"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." ~Ephesians 5:15-17

You're free! Now live like it!

"All Christians believe that we are saved by grace...But we have seen...that salvation includes both deliverance from the penalty of sin and freedom from the dominion of sin. We have seen that our legal union with Christ in His death and resurrection secures our vital union with Him by which we participate in His divine nature. It is through this vital union that we receive the enabling power to live the Christian life."

Jerry Bridges

I see everyday in my workplace the struggle to live the Christian life. I also see it every day in my own life. Why is their a struggle? Not neccesarily because of any great battle with Satan, not that those aren't present and a struggle. But no, this struggle is because we tend to miss part of the equation. We forget that we receive the 'enabling power' to live the Christian life!

It is in the amazing relationship we (the branches) have with Christ (the vine), that we receive the lifeblood of our Christian life. Without His power, of course it is impossible! Yet still we try to pull up our bootstraps and do it ourselves everyday. Why? Because our underlying sinful condition...

"At root our sinful condition is the commitment to be our own god. I will be the final authority in my life. I will decide what is right and wrong for me; and what is good and bad for me; and what is true and false for me. My desires express my sovereignty, my autonomy, and--though we don't usually say it--my presumed deity."

~John Piper

This sinful condition may not neccesarily display itself in the desire to do forbidden things. Instead, it can also lead us to try and "keep the law by our own strength with a view to exalt our own moral prowess." I think it may not be obvious, even to ourselves, that this is what we are doing. But in our struggle to live the Christian life, we are fighting a battle that was already won on the cross.

If we choose to battle and struggle on our own, instead of relying on the lifeblood of Christ that we have received, we are indeed still sinning.

We must daily rely on HIS strength to overcome our struggles, no matter how overwhelming OR how tiny they seem.


Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Fire

You are intense, internally driven, and passionate.

Your emotions are unpredictable - and they often get the better of you.

Both radiant and terrifying, people are drawn to you.

At your most powerful, you feel like the world belongs to you.

Why you would be a good superhero: You are obsessive enough to give it your all

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Your moodiness would make it difficult to control your powers

Work in Progress!

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it
to completion
at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

There are days when I wish I had a tshirt with a big yellow warning sign that said "work in progress."

Some days, I feel like I'm really getting it. I don't struggle with my attitude as much and I feel like my mouth isn't getting the best of me.

Then of course, there are the "work in progress" days... and while every day is really this way, some days seem worse than others! The days when I stick your foot in my mouth, or you just let my mouth get away with me... or I have a bad attitude... or I let other people's problems get me down...

Either way, it's great to know, as Paul says to the Philippians, "he who began a good work in ME will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

I'm not perfect and God doesn't expect me to be. What I think is important is that forward motion, while the work won't be finished till the day of Jesus Christ, it's to be continully in progress. We're a part of that progress... while it is the work of Christ within us, it is our responsiblity to let him work and to take action when we're led (or to NOT take action, when we're told to chill!) by the Holy Spirit.

So, I'm happy to be a work in progress... shoot, I'm just happy that there's progress!

Can I get a witness? :)

I've updated! Sort of...

So I know that this is only a half-way update, but I've refreshed the look of my blog! Thank you katie for inspiration! Now... just to get to typing on some actual updates! I promise I'll get there soon!!

"The Ark of Testimony"

"20 And those twelve stones, which they took out of the Jordan, Joshua set up at Gilgal. 21 And he said to the people of Israel, 'When your children ask their fathers in times to come, ‘What do these stones mean?’ 22 then you shall let your children know, ‘Israel passed over this Jordan on dry ground.’ 23 For the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan for you until you passed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which he dried up for us until we passed over, 24 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.'"
~Joshua 4:20-24

Joshua & the Israelites set up a monument, made of stones they had taken out of the bed of the Jordan River (a task they could only do because God had stopped the waters from flowing) as a testimony to the great glory of God. As we go along the way, if we are in obedience to God, we should be finding stones to build up our own memorial to the glory of God. What will that 'monument' be? It should be our life, a monument constantly in progress, stones being added along the way. While some of those stones may have been ones we tripped over, some of them may be bright shining stones that we found in glorious days. Another words, our lives have ups and downs, but every moment of our lives should be a part of our monument to God's glory, because God has laid out our every moment in a great and mighty plan that only he knows in full.

It isn't for our glory that we should live our lives, though we are so often fooled into thinking we are what is most important.

God made a commitment to the people of Israel, a covenant. And there were priests traveling with the Israelites who carried the Ark of the covenant. But at this moment, when Joshua and his people are building the monument of stones they had found in the Jordan, the Lord speaks to Joshua and in that moment, he calls it "the Ark of Testimony." Was he making a point? I think so.

God's covenant to us (the New Covenant) came with Jesus, and while the Israelites had to carry their covenant around in a physical box, we carry ours in our lives. Jesus is in our hearts and should radiate through our lives...our lives should be an ark of testimony, "so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever."

So, I want to share with you my testimony.

I grew up in a Christian home. Some of my earliest memories are of my parents taking me to church when I was very very young, being in the preschool department. As I got a little older (still a child), I remember trying to fake sick to get out of going to church on Sunday morning. I went to children's camp every year. I remember when I was in 3rd grade, all the girls saying that they had prayed and were Christians now, and they were going to go up at church on Sunday. I don't remember praying, but I guess it could have happened. I walked up the aisle, a few weeks later I was baptized.

While the memories are fading of the time between that moment and the next big moment of my relationship with God, I have some memories of plenty of youth activities and trips. My parents were carting me off to church for everything I asked to be taken to.

When i was 13, in what I believe was November or December, our youth group went on one of many Prison Ministry trips. We would go into one of the local prisons and do drama sketches, sing, and our youth minister would get up and share the hope of Christ with the inmates.

On this night, I remember specifically the things that happened. I remember what the room looked like, and could sketch it out for you even. After Jim (our youth pastor) had gotten finished with his message, they had a time of invitation. I don't remember the song that played, but they had a slide show that played during it. It was slides of scenes from The Jesus Story mostly. The last slide of the show was a picture of Jesus, very close up of his face, as he looked out directly at you.

I remember the moment very clearly. I remember stating to myself, "All this time, and I don't really know you." That evening, on the way home, I shared my concern with a friend, and the two of us spoke with Jim. We stopped at McDonald's on the way home, but Jim, my friend, and I stayed on the bus. That night, I believe, I truly became a Christian. It was 1992.

My journey from there to the next great moment was filled with minor ups and downs. I always struggled in my quiet time. I stayed active in church throughout all of middle school and high school. My senior year I started dating my first boyfriend, and we dated the December after I graduated in 1997. It was about 6 months. Not my first heartbreak (I had gone through some crushes), but the greatest I had experienced. During that time I also worked for some time at a local church as Assistant Student Minister of Administration & Development. (A big name, for doing both secretarial work, design & publishing of documents, and administrative work of taking care of records for 500 students). I took classes at the local community college as well.

That December was a pivotal moment in my life. First, the heartbreak. The next week... I was diagnosed with Graves Disease. An almost unheard of disease that had already impacted my family, as my grandmother had been diagnosed over a year earlier.

While I can't pinpoint the moment I decided how to react to this disease, I can tell you what that reaction was. I had a decision to make. Should I be bitter at God? Should I react in anger to him that my body was fighting against itself, causing havoc upon almost every system of my body?

I decided to go another route. I found great peace in knowing that while my body was weak, there was a greater, stronger, mightier God who was in control of my life. I probably couldn't have said it that way then, but I have a much clearer picture now.

I'm going to speed through the next several years...

3 radioactive iodine treatments, 4 eye surgeries, 3 years of missed school. An interest in Star Trek peaked during this time.

This is the part I love, because I look back now and I smile at God's AWESOME plan for my life! I also laugh and God's great sense of humor as he uses things that humans mock.

Due to a common interest in Star Trek, a friend and I went to a 'convention' in Raleigh. I met a couple there who invited me to another 'convention' in Myrtle Beach, SC. I did that several years.

In late 2000, shortly before I was to go back to school, I started attending a college & career class at my church. We studied a book called "Lifetime Garauntee: How to make the Christian Life work and what to do when it doesn't" This was really the next big moment in my relationship with Christ because this was the first time I truly understood what GRACE meant. Real, true, GRACE, from God. Grace that accepts us where we are, no matter what, and loves us. The grace that Jesus gave us when he died on the cross. I recommend this book to ANYONE!

In January 2001, I went back to college. I started at Campbell University in Buies Creek, NC. I was close to my Stark Trek friends, so I was pretty active with them. I came back home and finished my degree at UNC-Asheville.

Here's where God works wonders. In November 2002, I went to the Myrtle Beach con and met the man that God had chosen for me from the beginning of the earth. It is undeniable that God chose us for each other. Just spend about 10 minutes with us and you'll see that.

So, let me summarize. Christina get's Graves Disease. Graves Disease = No School, lots of spare time, Spare Time = new Star Trek fascination, Star Trek = husband!

If you told me that I could go back in time and take away Graves Disease, that I would never have to have radioactive iodine treatments, never have a heart rate of 133, never have eye surgeries, and never have to use eye ointment in my eyes again---- I would tell you, NO.

So, where am I now in this great walk through life? I have a fantastic husband who I journey through this life with. We are best friends and will always be. We live every part of our lives as best friends, who work together. We work as teammates in chores, in parenting, and even in video games. :) Teammates aside, I respect my husband as the head of our house, as I should. We are both independent spirits, but I totally respect the role God gave to my husband to lead our household. I praise God and am so blessed that God decided to grant me what I told my friends jokingly one day, "I'll know I've met the man for me when I find a guy who will go to the Star Trek convention with me on Saturday and to church on Sunday."

While Keith and I don't spend our time in Star Trek anymore, I think we'll always keep it as a small part of our lives, after all, it is one of the stones in our memorial to the glory of God!

I can't think of anyone I would want to spend the rest of my life with... and as I've told my husband before, "It's a good thing God put us together, because no one else could put up with us!"

I have a beautiful daughter that I can't even begin to describe my love for. She's almost two, she's smart, and she's beautiful. Yes, I'm partial...but really...she is smart and beautiful!

So what's the new big moment in my walk with Christ? I am everyday amazed by God's blessings on my life. I plan to spend everyday of the rest of my life in awe and wonder of his glory. I also plan to spend everyday of the rest of my life glorifying His name, because it is HIM who deserves the glory, not me, for anything good that happens in my life.

God is doing great things in our family. Keith is going to school and pursuing his dream to become a school teacher. I'm so excited for him, and every night that he is at school, when Victoria and I say her goodnight prayers, we pray especially for daddy and his classes.

God has shown me the career in life that he has led me to through every other 'job' in my life. I am working at the church Keith and I call home, as Ministry Assistant to the Senior Pastor, and I am basically the Publications Designer for the church now. I design and maintain the church website (which I am giving a whole new makeover), will start doing the bulletin in a few weeks, and I do all the publications that go into peoples hands or that they see- (Sermon notes, brochures, flyers, poster, banners, handouts, etc.) Great things are happening at our church, and I am blessed to be a part of it.

I've always heard, "Find out where God is moving, and go there." That's where I am.

I can't begin to tell you how important our church family has become to Keith and I. As it should be. I think it's so sad that people in our culture have lost what the true meaning of church, and the true reason for going. It isn't just to hear a sermon. Physically, we require more than just one meal a week, and the same applies to our spiritual walk, we require more than just one dose of the Bible and of God a week. Hearing a sermon is not the purpose of going to church.

It is about being in a community of believers. It's about fellowship. It's about communing with other Christians, being ministered to, but also, and equally as important, it's about ministering to others. And yes, then, it is also about hearing God's word preached by one who God has called to share the Word to us. If we miss church, God does not love us any less, but if we miss church, we miss out on 10x the blessing in our life. And we're not being obedient to God's word to us.

In Acts, it talks about being a devoted "to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers"


So, there is my Ark of Testimony, although I could share thousands more words of God's glory, through trials and blessings, upon my life.

Let me leave you with this: "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." ~1 John 1:7

Are you walking in the light? Do you have true fellowship with other Christians? Have you really let the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse you from sin?

No matter where we are in the journey of life, no matter how young, or how old, it's never too late to start our own 'stone' memorial...are own Ark of Testimony.

Why Do I Love You?

Why do I love you, oh unnamed person?
You might be family, you might be friend
You might be the person I see everyday
Or the person I pass on the street
And the love I have for you is not of this world
Because it is a love first given to me, unearned
Even if you are cruel to me, with a smile upon your face
I cannot hate you, for the one who loved me first
Endured more with love still in His heart
If you speak about me when I am not near
I will still stand beside you with arms outstreched
Even if you treat me as less than a person
I will care for you, because when He thought of me,
He also thought of you
When you hurt my feelings, I will really know
It is because you are hurting
And I can only hope
That by loving you
You will see the one who loved me first...
who loved you first...

"Faith" of INconvienience

So often we want to have "faith" when it is convienient.
When things are going good for us, it's really easy to have "faith"... but that isn't faith at all.

Faith is following Christ through the storms. Faith is following Christ when we can't see the path in front of us. Faith is following Christ when it means dying to ourselves...

  • It means keeping your mouth shut when you think you have the right to speak up.
  • It means following God's path for your life, even if it isn't popular with your friends or family.
  • It means being friendly to those who are unfriendly or unpopular.
  • It means loving the unlovely, because we are called to love everyone.
  • It means loving your husband unconditionally, unselfishly.
  • It means loving your children unconditionally, unselfishly.
  • It means not getting all the 'things' you want, because really, you don't have to have those things.
  • It means you may not live in the best house, but if you have a home, that is what counts... and really, if you are where God means for you to be, that is truly your home and where you should be.
  • It means giving to God first, because, really, it's all from him to start with.
So I guess true faith really inconvienient sometimes, or a lot of times, but the rewards are endless, the blessings are endless, and the joy is endless.

So, Lord, give me real faith, and Lord, may I die to myself and live for you everyday of my life.

"Awakening" by Sara Groves

Dress down your pretty faith.
Give me something real.
Leave out the thee and thou and speak to me now.
Speak to my pain and confusion.
Speak through my fears and my pride.
Speak to the part of me that knows
I'm something deep down inside.
I know that I am not perfect,
but compare me to most,
In a world of hurt and a world of anger
I think I'm holding my own.
And I know that you said there is more to life.
And I know I am not satisfied.
But there are mornings I wake up and I'm just thankful to be alive.
I've known now, for quite a while, that I am not whole.
I've remembered the body and the mind, But disected my soul.
Now something inside is awakening,
Like a dream I once had and forgot.
And it's something I'm scared of
And something I don't want to stop.
And I woke up this morning and realized that Jesus is not a portait.
Where stained glass windows or hymns or the tradition that surrounds us.
And I thought it would be hard to believe in
But it's not hard at all.
To believe I've sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.
And He's not asking me to change in my joy for martyrdom
He's asking to take my place.
To stand in the gap that I have formed
With His real, and His sweet, and His real amazing grace.
And it's not just a sign or a sacrament.
It's not just a metaphor for love.
The blood is real and it's not just a sybol of your faith.
So leave out the thee and thou and speak now.


I wanted to talk about some cool dad's I know...

God: It's always been interesting for me to think about God being my Father. It's really cool... and he really is a great Father. There are a million reasons... the two I can think of now: His amazing grace... and the blessings I have received by having the below dad's as a part of my life:

My dad: For about 23 years of my life, he was the coolest guy I knew. No really, my dad and I have always been close, and yes, I am a self-professed Daddy's girl. I admire and love my dad so much, and enjoy being his daughter so much, that I *really* wanted to have a girl... so that she could have fun being a daddy's girl too! I wanted her to have what I did....

My husband: I could have never had the above thought if I didn't have such a wonderful husband! I knew he would be an awesome dad... the kind of dad every girl wants! And he has definently lived up to that... and beyond. He is such a great dad! He takes wonderful care of our daughter and spends lots of time with her. We definently do team parenting!

My brother: It's been really neat to see my brother with his two boys. He's a great dad and it's really cool to see him in that role... because you know, as a sister, knowing his younger years... it makes one wonder if your siblings will grow up. :) But he's turned out great and I have been blessed to see how God has worked in his life. We are both so blessed to have been raised in a Christian home and receive that solid foundation that has brought us to where we are now.

There are lots of other dad's I know who are great, and it would take too long to name them. The short list has to include my father-in-law, who is a phenomenal grandfather to my child and raised two fantastic sons. The other on the short list would be my brother-in-law, who has two of -the- most well behaved and great kids I've ever known!


"Me" stuff

So, the other day, Katie asks me: "When are you going to write about yourself?" (ie. non-Bible studies)... so here ya go girl. :)

I found out a little while back that our tv can act as a computer monitor. We have a rather large tv that my husband bought during his bachelor days. Being the techno-mom that I am, I couldn't resist... after days of thinking about unplugging my computer in the office and pulling it out here, I finally did it yesterday. My dear-almost-2-yr-old daughter looked at me like... "What in the world are you doing, mom?" It's pretty cool to have a 42=inch monitor, but working the keyboard and mouse from the couch is a little difficult. But still cool. I don't think I'll keep it here, but it's fun for a while. :)

One of the reasons I'm enjoying having the computer out here is because my office is a MESS right now and I don't have to look at it! Tomorrow night Keith is going to help me get it cleaned up. The biggest problem is finding a place ot put everything. We seem to have a ton of papers. I like to keep them filed, but I have a tendency not to do it right away, and they amass into huge piles pretty quickly. I feel like I need a better filing/organization system, so tomorrow Keith is going to help me out with that.

Speaking of organization, I did a whirlwind clean-up of Victoria's room tonight. Moved some furniture, got rid of a garbage bag of clothes and 3 garbage bags of toys that we didn't need anymore. We're getting ready to transition her room to Dora (ah... gotta love commercialism) so I got rid of a bunch of the Pooh stuff we have in there. She seemed to like it... especially the little corner where I put a bunch of blankets down with a pillow and her Cabbage Patch Kid... sort of a reading nook for her. However, after about 30 minutes she realized she was missing one key item. The big motivation for the clean-up was that we were taking out this really cool Princess castle that grandma and grandpa got for her for Christmas. It's great, but it takes up a lot of room in there, so we are going to move it to the back porch later. So... after about an hour, she started saying "castle?" We told her castle went "bye bye." Sometimes, figuring out how to explain things to a 2 year old is not easy.

John 1:6-8

John 1:6-8
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8 He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.

What does it mean to be sent from God?

Remember the most important one He sent:

“In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:9-10

“For he whom God has sent utters the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure.” John 3:34

“Jesus answered them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.’” John 6:29

“4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4-5

He doesn’t send us to be inactive, he sends for a purpose

61:1 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; 2 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn;3 to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit;that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified. Isaiah 61:1-3

John 1:2-3

"He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him,
and without him was not any thing made that was made." -John 1:2-3

Who? Jesus
What? Made all things
When? In the beginning

Spiritual Principles:

  • Jesus was there in the beginning.
  • All things were made through him. (That means things that have been invented since the original creation are also made through him)


  • I need to respect and obey Jesus' guidance in everything because w/o him nothing would exist. I should also respect everything because it is part of God's creation. I should allow His hand to guide everything I do, from creating a website to cleaning my house!

John 1:1

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God."
-John 1:1

Who are the major participants?
  • "the Word" = Jesus
    --was with God/is God: reflects the Trinity as Jesus was both one with God but also had a separate identity from God.
  • God
    --Genesis 1:1a says "In the beginning, God..."

What are they doing/saying?

  • Existing: "from the beginning" (there is no end date!)
  • Communing: "the Word was with God"
  • Being identified: "the Word was God"

Where are they going?

  • The only place to go from the beginning is forward.

What is happening/When is this occurring?

  • In the beginning:
    --(v. 2-3) Jesus (the Word) was there.
    --All things were made through him.
    --(Genesis 1:1) God (the Word is God) created the heavens and the earth.
    --(more on this subject tomorrow)

Spiritual Principles:

  • The Word (Jesus) has always been with God and a part of God.
  • Jesus has a major investment in the creation! He wasn't just there when it was created (as though that wasn't enough)--through him it was created!
  • We were made in the image of God (aka Jesus)
  • SO: When Jesus came to earth, he was walking on paths He had walked in the beginning. The rock he knealt at in the Garden of Gethsemane, he had formed.
  • When he looked at all the women & men around him--did he think back to Adam & Eve? Did he see himself (his image) in each person he touched, healed, taught--in those that crucified him? How did he feel at seeing how each person dealt with their image in Christ?

Application Questions:

  • Do I care about the earth, all living things, all people--as Christ did? I was made in the image of the creator of all things: shouldn't I care?
  • Do I appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made? He wasn't a stranger to this earth, he had seen it grow as time had progressed from the beginning of creation. He had an investment in each of us and he made a sacrifice to see that investment fulfill its purpose.

Finally...another post!!

How long has it taken me to get this done? I know Katie...I've been a real slacker! Actually, my problem is that I've been the exact opposite of a slacker...I've been busy!

Verse of the Day:
"15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."
1 John 2:15-17
What does it mean to me? It means I need to stop being so focused on the things I want (new home, new car, new clothes, etc.) and to focus more on the things God wants (aka: The things I NEED). I got so caught up in wanting things that I didn't realize how uncontent I was and what a bad attitude I had in my heart! God has blessed me with so much and instead of being unhappy with what he has given me, I need to be content and thankful in what he has given and provided. I need to be confident in His promise that He will take care of me and provide everything I need. God's provision is enough for me! Amen!


Inspired by "Battling Unbelief" by John Piper
Faith & Belief in God's promises are so important to our quality of life. When I talk about 'quality of life' I'm not referring to the clothes we wear or the car we drive. I'm talking about the mindset we have as we walk around every day. If we do not believe in God's promises for our future ("future grace" John Piper calls it), then we're missing out on peace and joy AND opening ourselves up to sin. When we don't believe what God has promised us for the future (whether the future be two seconds, two years, or twenty years), we decide we'll handle things on our own, which in and of itself is a sin (putting ourselves above God).

I've only read the Introduction and the 1st chapter and I've already gotten so much out of this book! Thank God for the inspiration he has given to men like John Piper, who can help open the eyes and hearts of believers and unbelievers, giving freedom for today and tomorrow!