"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." ~Ephesians 5:15-17


Inspired by "Battling Unbelief" by John Piper
Faith & Belief in God's promises are so important to our quality of life. When I talk about 'quality of life' I'm not referring to the clothes we wear or the car we drive. I'm talking about the mindset we have as we walk around every day. If we do not believe in God's promises for our future ("future grace" John Piper calls it), then we're missing out on peace and joy AND opening ourselves up to sin. When we don't believe what God has promised us for the future (whether the future be two seconds, two years, or twenty years), we decide we'll handle things on our own, which in and of itself is a sin (putting ourselves above God).

I've only read the Introduction and the 1st chapter and I've already gotten so much out of this book! Thank God for the inspiration he has given to men like John Piper, who can help open the eyes and hearts of believers and unbelievers, giving freedom for today and tomorrow!


Katie said...

So "Days of Elija" is the name of that song I keep talking about. I keep forgetting that is the name of the song. I sure wish I could get a better organizing system for my brain. Things seem to kind of get lost as they wonder around unchecked. Well, I am definitely going to try this book. I think God has really blessed John Piper. I am reminded that we are God’s pens and as He holds us in His hands, He writes beautiful stories not to mention if we completely submit to Him, then He can draw a magnificent picture of His love and grace. I am so excited to get to check out your blog and experience another sister writer at work.

Michelle Johnson said...

Hello! I'm Katie's sister. I was just checking out your blog. Looks good! I'm going to have to check out the book "The Frazzled Factor." I feel rather frazzled most of the time! Mind if I add you to my blog friends?